SUN - 10AM Sunday School & 11AM Worship
FRI - 7PM Equip Sessions (Doctrinal Studies) - VIRTUAL ONLY

Project Hope - Breakfast to Homeless
Being able to minister to the homeless in our community is something very near and dear to our hearts. Those who attend are served a hearty breakfast, given brand new/lightly used clothing and the Word of God, which is the most precious gift that we can give. If we have details on housing/jobs we also empower them with that information.
The breakfast to the homeless take place every 2nd and last Saturday of each month from October to April only.
God has given us a large vision of expanding this ministry. If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please click below!

Nursing Home
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble..." James 1:27. As part of showing God's love, we believe in bringing hope to those who are shut in, and that includes our seniors. We minister to those in the convalescent home, Twin Maples in Durham, CT every 2nd Sunday from 3pm-4pm. If you're interested in joining us, please click below!

Taste of the Caribbean Festival
August 08, 2020
Each year on the 2nd Saturday of August we celebrate Caribbean/West Indian culture with the Word of God, good food, music, games and fun. This is a community event, where we give back by sending children home with book-bags full of school supplies, offering free medical screening with an on-site doctor, fire safety activities, free food items for individuals who are homeless or in need, etc. There are vendor opportunities to sell creations/goods, as well as a stage for artists local or not, to showcase their talent in a way to inspire faith and encourage the surrounding community. Among other features, we make sure to have a prayer tent where anyone may come and request prayer with assigned ministers, because God cares especially for you and wants you to cast your burdens on Him. This event is a block party; Columbus Avenue from Howard to Cedar is blocked off with police barricades for your safety! We hope to see you there!

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is an organization of Samaritan's Purse. Every Christmas, churches and families all over the world pack shoe boxes with essentials, toys and books and it goes to children in 3rd world countries who would not otherwise get gifts for the season. We participate in this each Christmas season and starting this year we are so excited to spread it to our own community. We will be packing boxes to send to needy children within the inner city and also reach them with the gospel!
If you would like to participate or donate, click below!

Jesus calls all Christians to be evangelists and missionaries. We should be telling our friends about the difference Jesus makes in our lives, and leading by example so that they ask why we are so loving and kind, even in the face of adversity! Evangelism is an ongoing effort by all members of our local church community.